Walk-in Closet & Sliding Wardrobes for newly renovated home in Craigavon, Co Armagh

We recently designed and installed a Walk-in Wardrobe and two Sliding Wardrobes in their beautiful newly renovated home for our client in Craigavon Co Armagh. Read the profile and solutions below:

Walk-In-Wardrobe Craigavon NI, by Fusion Robes Belfast
Client Profile

A family of four living in a newly renovated house in Craigavon, Co Armagh Northern Ireland. They were looking for a new wardrobe solution that could fit all their items in a stylish and organized manner. 


The family had limited space for their clothes and accessories. During a renovation of their home, they wanted a bespoke solution to maximize their storage space in three bedrooms. Additionally, they wanted the wardrobes to blend seamlessly with the contemporary aesthetic of their home and maximise floor space without the awkward room layout that comes with free-standing furniture. 


Fusion Robes, a bespoke wardrobe manufacturer in Northern Ireland, was hired to design and install a new walk-in wardrobe for the master bedroom and recommended two contemporary-style Sliding Wardrobes for the remaining bedrooms. The wardrobe options provided by Fusion Robes incorporated several features that made it the perfect fit for the client’s needs.


The couple was delighted with the final results of their new walk-in wardrobe. They were impressed with the attention to detail and quality craftsmanship that went into the design and installation of their new wardrobe. The wardrobe was designed with a mixture of natural walnut wood and graphite black with Mirror Sliding Doors.

LED Lighting and spot lighting was added for optimal viewing, perfect as the space had no windows and provided them with the additional storage space they needed while adding a touch of elegance to their new home’s overall aesthetic.


The Sliding Wardrobes also offered excellent storage and blended with the home’s interior scheme.  Matte black panel doors and grey high gloss wardrobes with one mirror door can be seen in the project photos below. 

Project Photos